Nope, not tags I made... but a tag I was "tagged" with! lol
This one comes compliments of
Gabby, my SBS1 sista! I will probably not tag anyone else because I'm seeing this everywhere, so I'll just share the weird stuff about me and we can all get on with our Christmas shopping already. lol
7 Weird/Random Facts About Me:
1. I love every kind of music, from classical to rap (yep, I said it), from showtunes to Mariachi, from pop to Rock, and everywhere in between.
2. I wanted to learn how to fix cars when I was young, but my dad refused to teach me. I can, however, change my own oil, fuel filter, air filter, battery and tires. Not bad for a chick!
3. I have a super-sensitive sense of smell. I have even had people call me over to their house to identify smells that they can't trace themselves. Yep, i'm like a dog. Woof!
4. I have some psychic ability. I have the ability to know someone inside and out REALLY fast because I can feel it. It's called being an empath. Dont' ask me to contact your dead relatives or give you a reading, though. I don't go there. lol
5. I survived ovarian cancer. 85% of those diagnosed don't.
6. My dream since I was 3 (yes, I actually remember the moment I decided this) has been to be a famous singer and actress.
7. I love to watch boxing. It's barbaric, yes, but for some reason it's still a great sport to me.
WOW, is that 7 already?? You know, the sad part is there are about a million more weird/random things about me, but I'd probably scare you all off if I shared them! lol This was actually a fun exercise, so if you're reading this and you haven't been tagged yet, please use this and play along - post your random things on your blog! Then post here to tell me so I can read up on YOU!