Friday, November 30, 2007

Rekindled Love

Okay, okay, so I'm a day late... my daughter ended up home sick yesterday so I didn't get on the PC all day *sniff*...anyway here's the craft I've rekindled that I wanted to share... remember it's not stamping related, but hopefully you'll like it anyway:

It's CROCHET. Yep, it's true. I admit it. I love to crochet. And, since my sister had a baby and my sister in law is getting ready to have one, it was time to get out the old hooks and get working.

This is the first baby blanket I've made, and I designed the pattern myself... the way it's laying on the floor looks kinda crooked, but it's not really in person.

As you can probably guess, it's a boy.

Here's a blanket that I started almost 2 years ago and never finished, until last week:

This was supposed to be a blanket for me, but my mom fell in love with it (again, nicer in person), so she's going to be getting it for Christmas instead.
You know, it's surprisingly warm! I started a new blanket for myself this time, and hopefully it will be done before the winter is over. lol
So that's it for the re-kindled love. Now I'm off to my basement to stamp so I have some new things to share with you all later today! Oh, and I have to assemble some blog candy, too. ; )


Anonymous said...

Wow Gina! This one is my favorite!! I don't know how to do this but, I would love to learn someday. Really just beautiful!!
Your Mom is a lucky lady!!
Stampin' Hugs,

UrgentCookie said...

These are gorgeous! You are very talented. I only know very basic stuff of crocheting and would love to learn how to do stuff like this. :0) I especially like the one on the bottom.

Stampin' Meg said...

Those are absolutely gorgeous balnkets- they look like a cross between quilting and crochet. I recently learned how to knit with the kniffty knitter but nothing as lovely as these blankets!

Niki Estes said...

Beautiful blankets! You do a great job! I knitted a blanket for each of my kids before they were born.